LEJOG day 1

Signing the End to End Book at Lands End Hotel!

The first chapter of the LeJog Adventure begins!!

 A moment of fame - being interviewed by
ITV for a documentary about the Olympic Torch Relay.

A dry start against all the odds and
BBC Weather forecasting!!!

Soup has a moments peace without the boys!!
Admiring the view of St Micheals Mount!

5 minutes respite on the King Harry Ferry.

The end of Day One! The New Inn, Veryan. Cornish Tribute Real Ale went down a treat and was rated 8/10 by the boys (we had to allow room for some higher scores, it's only Day 1!!!)

1 comment:

  1. So proud of you all. Great photo's to show all here at Staverton Park Golf Club at the VOGS annual meeting. You have had better weather than we have. No play today. Hope for better tomorrow. Good riding and can't wait to join you on Saturday. Ken.
